Thursday, September 22, 2011
Adrian Newey
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Mercedes Benz
The fundator of Mercedes Benz mend to the 1881 when Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz had invent independenly the intern combustion motor for cars in the southwest of Germany, there don't exist registers that the knew but they do the first prothotype in the world called Daimler Benz Pattent Motor Wagen, this prothotype had only 3 wheels and 0.9 Cv and his top speed was 17 km/h.
In the XX century Daimler starts to comercialize his cars succesfully with a austriatic man called Emil Kellyken nad he put the name of the cars down of his daughter Mercedes, and after looking the succesfully business Kellyken promes that they can start to comerzialize with France, Belgium or E.E.U.U and put the name of the brand Mercedes.
The companyes of Daimler and Benz have coperate for 20 years for the economic crisis and they end to fuse and create the brand Daimler-Benz and after Mercedes Benz.
From 1914 Mercedes Benz starts in the races and development good aerodynamic and tecnical advances. In 1955 has been a catastrophe, the pilot Mike Hawton had crash with the Mercede's pilot Pierre Levegh and he out of the track to more oh 200 km/h and crash with the public; this day deads 86 people a more than 100 get were hurt. Mercedes Benz get out of the Formula 1 winnig 9 of 12 Grand Prixes at the year.
In 1994 Mercedes Benz returns to the Formula 1 like Mclaren and to our days, in 2009 Mercedes Benz has start to fabricate motors for 3 teams of the formula 1 (Mclaren, Brawn GP and Force India).

For the solution of a aerodinamic problem, normally is necesary the calcul of some propirties of the win, like speed, presure, density and temperature and, almost always we can calculate the force and the moments that the win take a contact with the body.
The aerodynamic in the planes: ¿Why flies the planes? The planes flies with the win, the speed and maybe 100 things more but i can't answerd all of them. When the plane is in the track and it preparates to fly goes 0 - 850 km /h, with this speed and with a aerodynamic form of the whings the plane can get a aerodynamic force for up to the air and fly. This is only a little explicationabout the aerodynamic of the planes but is funny knows how fly the planes that wight mora than 100 tons.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The History Of The Forrmula 1
The Formula 1 has started the 1946 in the circuit of Silverstone with only 4 races this year, the last company AAIACR has converted to the FIA in french (Federation Internationale de l'automobile) knows like FIA. At the ends of the 1949's championship the FIA has advertisement that in 1950 they can organizate too much Grand Prixes with a World Championship but for economic cuestion they do the races with the Formula 2 cars with a point clasification.
In the 1950 the italian Giussepe Farina wins the first Worl Championship of the Formula 1 winnig his team member Juan Manuel Fangio, nevertheless Fangio has won the championship of 1954, 1955, 1956 and 1957. From the 1950 to the 1958 all the races had dominated the teams of cars manufactures (Alpha Romeo, Ferrari, Maserati and Mercedes Benz), Mercedes had win the championship of 1954 and 1955 with the avanced W196 but the team had off of the championship for the Disaster of Le Mans.
The years of 1959 for 1980 became famous by his technological and aerodynamic advances and the Britanics like Jim Clark, Jackie Stewart or Jack Brabhanhad wins 12 world championship. The aerodinamic had winning importance little by little, Lotus had do the floor efecte that get a big aerodinamic charge in the curves.
Bernie Ecclestone has bought all of rights of the Formula 1 and coverts in a bussines sport that moves thousand of million dolars.

Michal Schumacher
In 1991 after win in the German Formula 3, in 1991 he devuts in the Formula 1 with a Jordan in remplacement of Beltrand Gachot in Belgium, in the next race signing with Benneton for the rest of the year.
In 1992 gets his firts podium in Mexico and wins his firts race in Spa and ends the championship third.
In 1993 has win his first worl championship in Australia, the last race with a only 1 point with the second clasificaated Damon Hill.
In 1995 he has win his second worl champioship and he prclamate the youngest pilot of be bi-champion in the Formula 1.
In 1996 Michael Schumacher entry in Ferrari and he finish third in the championship
In 1997 in the last race he had 1 point of diference with Jacques Villenueve and in the last race he crash with Jacques Villenueve and leave the race, Jacques Villenueve wins the championship and Michael Schumacher lost all his points for agresive conducte.
In 1999he has broken his leg in a crash and returns in the 2 last races and he helps to Ferrari for win his first world Championship in 16 years.
In 2000 for 2004 He has win all of the wolrd championship and then he has 7 world championship, only he has this cifre because of it is the best Formula 1 driver.
Now he is in the Mercedes GP Team From 2009 to 2012.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
My Holidays
All of years in Calatayud start the parties at the 13th of August with the ''Chupinazo'', and ends the 16th. This party is like San Fermin but with less people and less days but are very funny.
All the days without the 13th in the afternoon are bulls in the bull's place of Calatayud and at night they do concerts or another thing too funny and go grupes too well know like Seguridad Social, Celtas Cortos, Juan Magan..... and some specially of this year is that the nigh of 14 went Dj Valdi and Carlos Jean and they are too famous, I was been in this concert and it was specially.
I return in the finnals of August or starts of September and in a very littel time starts another time the School.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
GP Europe Valencia Street Circuit
In the parctice 2 i see when Fernando Alonso positions on the first place and this was so good, the sesion of practice 3 was more bored than the practice 2, the Red Bull have posicioned on the first and second place but the really important times were the qualifying an the race.
On the qualifyng sesion the Red Bull haven't break his rutine and were the first and the second on the start of the race, Hamilton were on the thirds place and Alonso fourth, but in the race all changes, all starts with the start of the race, Fernando Alonso haave avanced to Hamilton and posicioned on the third place behind of the Red Bull, Sebastian Vettel in the first place were unbeatable but 20 laps after Alonso avance to Webber.
But Webber 10 laps after in the pit stop posiconed second and Alonso returned to be the third.
In the lap more or less 45 in the thirth pit stop Alonso avanced to Webber and the race end with this position.