Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Favourite Day Of The Week

My favourite day of the week is the Saturday because is not a school day and I have all the day to enjoy a lot .
In the afternoon I can go out with my friends to Valencia or to another city and in the moorning we can do a football math with the team of the school or I can sleep a lot of time and this is very nice.
In te nigh I can go to bed later because the next day is not a school day and I can pley computer or play Play Station or watch a film.
Another thing that the Saturdays are specially is that usually is the clasification of the Races of Formula 1 and the Sunday is the race.

The Summer Holidays

The summer of 2010 were very good because in the start of Summer the medics removed the plast. Also I went to a lot of cityes, like a Calatayud that is a town of Zaragoza or to Jaca that is another town in Huesca and i enjoy a lot. The summer was specialy because Fernando Alonso that he went very badly in the World Chapmpionship of the Formula 1 started to win races and he were in the firt position of the championship.
When I went to Valencia I reunited with my friends and we enjoy a lot in the last time of the Summer.